§ 29.1-317. Special fishing permits for certain juveniles.
A. Upon application from the superintendent of any juvenile correctionalcenter maintained and operated by the Department of Juvenile Justice, theDirector may issue a permit to allow the residents of such juvenilecorrectional center to fish under supervision without licenses in publicwaters open to fishing. The permits shall not be issued for use in designatedwaters stocked with trout or in waters where a daily fishing fee has beenimposed pursuant to § 29.1-318.
B. The application for the permit shall state the name and description of thegroup, the period of time during which it will be used, the general area inwhich it will be used, and the name of the person who will be responsible forthe group.
(1980, c. 188, § 29-55.3:4; 1987, c. 488; 1989, c. 733; 1996, cc. 755, 914.)