§ 29.1-323. By whom licenses issued.
The clerks of the circuit courts of cities, and such agents operating inVirginia cities as the Board may designate, shall issue state and cityresident licenses, and county licenses for those counties contiguous to theirrespective cities. The clerks of the circuit courts of counties, and suchagents operating in Virginia counties as the Board may designate, shall issuestate licenses and county licenses for their respective counties. Agents,designated by the Board, who operate outside of Virginia, shall issue statelicenses and such Virginia county or city licenses as agreed upon by theagent and the Department. Licenses shall be issued as provided for in thistitle, and clerks and agents shall date and authenticate the licenses in amanner prescribed by the Board. Any clerk who desires to be relieved of thisduty shall notify the Board in writing and shall be relieved when the Boardhas designated an agent to sell licenses in his county or city.
(Code 1950, § 29-61; 1954, c. 280; 1958, c. 172; 1978, c. 485; 1987, c. 488;2000, c. 132; 2003, c. 92.)