§ 29.1-328. Term of licenses and permits.
A. Until the Department has implemented an automated point-of-sale licensingsystem, hunting and trapping licenses and permits, including those issuedpursuant to § 29.1-302, shall be valid from July 1 of each year or theirlater date of purchase, to June 30 of the following year, unless soonerrevoked. Upon implementation of such a system, hunting and trapping licensesand permits shall be valid for one year from their date of purchase, exceptthose licenses issued pursuant to § 29.1-305, which shall be valid from July1 of each year or their later date of purchase, to June 30 of the followingyear, unless sooner revoked.
B. Until the Department has implemented an automated point-of-sale licensingsystem, fishing licenses shall run and be valid from January 1 of each yearor their later date of purchase to December 31 of same year, unless soonerrevoked. Upon implementation of such a system, fishing licenses shall run andbe valid for one year from their date of purchase.
C. The terms of licenses listed in subsections A and B of this section shallnot apply to the lifetime hunting and fishing license established in §29.1-302.1.
D. National Forest Stamps, issued pursuant to § 29.1-408, shall be valid forone year from their date of purchase, unless sooner revoked.
(Code 1950, § 29-66; 1980, c. 494; 1987, cc. 95, 488; 1988, c. 161; 2001, c.115; 2002, c. 175; 2007, c. 39.)