§ 29.1-344. (Effective until January 1, 2011) Stationary blinds on shore andin the public waters for owners of riparian rights.
Each year, the owners of riparian rights, their lessees or permittees shallhave the exclusive privilege of licensing and erecting stationary blinds ontheir shoreline, and the prior right of licensing and erecting stationaryblinds in the public waters in front of their shoreline, to shoot waterfowlover the public waters. Such blinds shall not be located in water having adepth greater than eight feet at mean high tide, nor shall they be locatedfurther than halfway across the body of water from the riparian owner'sshoreline. When such a license has been obtained and a stake or a stationaryblind has been erected on the site with the license for that season properlyaffixed, no other stationary or floating blind shall be located in the publicwaters within 500 yards of the licensed site without the consent of theriparian owner, lessee or permittee. Riparian owners, their lessees orpermittees may obtain licenses on and after July 1 and on or before August 31of each year. A stake or a stationary blind shall be erected on the site, anda license plate supplied with the license for that season shall be affixedthereto by August 31. If a stake has been erected on the site of a stationaryblind, such stake must be replaced by a blind by November 1 pursuant to theprovisions of § 29.1-341. Such stationary blinds shall conform to thestandards prescribed in § 29.1-341.
(Code 1950, § 29-85; 1987, c. 488; 1989, c. 217; 2004, c. 422.)
§ 29.1-344. (Effective January 1, 2011) Stationary blinds on shore and in thepublic waters for owners of riparian rights.
Each year, the owners of riparian rights, their lessees or permittees shallhave the exclusive privilege of licensing and erecting stationary blinds ontheir shoreline, and the prior right of licensing and erecting stationaryblinds in the public waters in front of their shoreline, to shoot waterfowlover the public waters. Such blinds shall not be located in water having adepth greater than eight feet at mean high tide, nor shall they be locatedfurther than halfway across the body of water from the riparian owner'sshoreline. When such a license has been obtained and a stake or a stationaryblind has been erected on the site with the license for that season properlyaffixed, no other stationary or floating blind shall be located in the publicwaters within 500 yards of the licensed site without the consent of theriparian owner, lessee or permittee. Riparian owners, their lessees orpermittees may obtain licenses on and after May 1 and on or before June 15 ofeach year. A stake or a stationary blind shall be erected on the site, and alicense plate supplied with the license for that season shall be affixedthereto by June 30. If a stake has been erected on the site of a stationaryblind, such stake must be replaced by a blind by November 1 pursuant to theprovisions of § 29.1-341. Such stationary blinds shall conform to thestandards prescribed in § 29.1-341.
(Code 1950, § 29-85; 1987, c. 488; 1989, c. 217; 2004, c. 422; 2010, c. 9.)