§ 29.1-345. (Effective until January 1, 2011) Stationary blinds in the publicwaters for nonriparian owners.
Unless a license has been obtained pursuant to § 29.1-344, and a stake or ablind has been erected and marked within the time stated as specified in thatsection, in any year, the owners of riparian rights, their lessees orpermittees shall forfeit the privilege of licensing blinds on their shoresand also lose priority for licensing stationary blinds in the public watersadjoining such shores. Any locations remaining in the public waters shallbelong to whoever first obtains a license and erects a stake or a blind. Theblind cannot be located in water having a greater depth than eight feet atmean high tide on the site selected. In addition, the blind must be at least500 yards from any other stationary blind, and the license for that seasonmust be properly affixed to the structure. The nonriparian license for astationary blind in the public waters may be obtained on and after July 1 andon or before September 30. A stake or blind shall be erected on the site, anda license plate supplied with the license for that season must be affixedthereto by October 10.
(Code 1950, § 29-86; 1987, c. 488.)
§ 29.1-345. (Effective January 1, 2011) Stationary blinds in the publicwaters for nonriparian owners.
Unless a license has been obtained pursuant to § 29.1-344, and a stake or ablind has been erected and marked within the time stated as specified in thatsection, in any year, the owners of riparian rights, their lessees orpermittees shall forfeit the privilege of licensing blinds on their shoresand also lose priority for licensing stationary blinds in the public watersadjoining such shores. Any locations remaining in the public waters shallbelong to whoever first obtains a license and erects a stake or a blind. Theblind cannot be located in water having a greater depth than eight feet atmean high tide on the site selected. In addition, the blind must be at least500 yards from any other stationary blind, and the license for that seasonmust be properly affixed to the structure. The nonriparian license for astationary blind in the public waters previously licensed the year before maybe obtained on and after July 1 and on or before August 15. A stake or blindshall be erected on the site, and a license plate supplied with the licensefor that season must be affixed thereto by August 31. The nonriparian licensefor a stationary blind in the public waters not previously licensed the yearbefore may be obtained on and after September 1 and on or before October 15.A stake or blind shall be erected on the site and a license plate suppliedwith the license for that season must be affixed thereto. If a stake has beenerected on the site of a stationary blind, such stake must be replaced by ablind by November 1 pursuant to the provisions of § 29.1-341. Such stationaryblinds shall conform to the standards prescribed in § 29.1-341.
(Code 1950, § 29-86; 1987, c. 488; 2010, c. 9.)