§ 29.1-352. Damage stamp program established; purpose; intent.
There is hereby established a damage stamp program to provide for anavailable source of funds to be used to compensate damage to crops, fruittrees, commercially grown Christmas trees, nursery stock, livestock, coloniesof bees, bee equipment and appliances, as defined in § 3.2-4400, or farmequipment that is caused by deer, elk, or bear, or by big game hunters. It isthe intent of the General Assembly that persons suffering loss or damage asthe result of these activities should be realistically compensated fordamages that occurred to their property as the result of the activity. Alocal governing body shall encourage to the maximum extent possible theutilization of the damage stamp fund for payment of claims in keeping withthe purposes of this article.
(1981, c. 16, § 29-92.1; 1983, c. 198; 1987, c. 488; 2003, c. 137; 2004, cc.87, 463.)