§ 29.1-353. Local governing body to adopt ordinance.
A. Any local governing body may adopt an ordinance consistent with theprovisions of this article for the purpose of establishing a damage stampprogram. No such ordinance shall be in force between May 1 of any year andthe following April 30 whenever the amount of money in this special fund ismore than twice the average annual disbursement made from the fund for thepayment of damage claims in the locality during the immediately precedingthree years. However, such estoppel shall not apply to any locality duringthe first three years immediately following the effective date of the firstsuch ordinance adopted by the governing body of that locality pursuant tothis or any earlier similar enabling act.
B. Any locality which has adopted an ordinance prior to July 1, 1981, willnot be required to adopt a new ordinance; however, any prior ordinance shallbe administered pursuant to the provisions of this article.
(1981, c. 16, § 29-92.2; 1987, c. 488.)