§ 29.1-401. Exemptions as to fur permits.
A. A permit shall not be required of any hunter or trapper to possess ordispose of the hides, furs or pelts of wild animals legally shot or caught byhim nor of any person lawfully engaging in the business of fur farming topossess or to dispose of the hides, furs or pelts of wild animals raised byhim.
B. A permit shall not be required of any Virginia resident who is a member ofan American Indian tribe recognized by the Commonwealth or a member of afederally recognized American Indian tribe to buy and possess the hides,furs, pelts or skeletal parts of legally obtained wild animals, except bearas prohibited in § 29.1-536, when such items are to be used as part oftraditional American Indian religious practices. Resale of items obtainedunder this section is prohibited.
(Code 1950, § 29-94; 1980, c. 494; 1987, c. 488; 1997, c. 510.)