§ 29.1-402. Permit fees to deal in furs; permit issuance.
A. The fee for a permit to buy, sell, barter, exchange, traffic or trade in,bargain for, solicit for purchase, or possess the hides, furs or pelts ofwild animals shall be as follows:
1. State resident, $50.
2. State nonresident, $125.
B. The permit shall be issued in the name of the firm or individualconducting the business, but shall authorize one person only, who shall bedesignated as a fur buyer, to personally solicit for the purchase of furswithin the area covered by the permit. The fur buyer may be the permittee, ifan individual, a member of the firm, or a bona fide employee of suchindividual or firm who is paid a regular stated monthly salary.
(Code 1950, § 29-95; 1980, c. 494; 1987, c. 488; 1988, c. 250.)