§ 29.1-416. Netting fish.
A. The fee for a permit to net fish in inland waters, for private table use,or for sale where permitted, shall be as follows:
1. County dip net, three dollars and fifty cents each per year;
2. Gill net, eight dollars each per year;
3. Haul seine, seventeen dollars and fifty cents each per year; and
4. Haul seine to catch species designated by the Board for sale, forty-fivedollars each per year.
B. The Board may permit a licensee to use dip nets or gill nets to take forsale fish of any designated species in the waters of Back Bay and itstributaries. However, any nonresident desiring to take or catch fish in BackBay and its tributaries for which a permit is required and where such fishingis not prohibited, shall first pay $350 per year to the Department for anonresident harvester's permit. Such a permit shall be required for each boatused to take or catch fish in Back Bay and its tributaries, and shall be inaddition to any other permit required for the activity involved.
(Code 1950, § 29-110; 1956, c. 343; 1974, c. 363; 1987, c. 488; 1988, c. 250;1989, c. 692; 1997, c. 57.)