§ 29.1-419. Taking, holding, etc., of falcons, hawks and owls; use to huntwild game.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Director may:
1. Permit the taking, trapping, holding, transportation, carriage andshipment of live falcons, hawks and owls. The initial fee or the fee fornonconsecutive years for this permit shall be fifty dollars, and the permitshall entitle the holder to possess not more than three of any such birds atany one time. The fee for subsequent consecutive years shall be twentydollars per year.
2. Authorize the use of falcons, hawks and owls to hunt and take all speciesof wild birds and wild animals. However, the hunting of migratory game birdsshall be in accordance with § 29.1-515, and appropriate hunting licensesshall be required as provided in Chapter 3 (§ 29.1-300 et seq.) of this title.
(1964, c. 345, § 29-114.2; 1977, c. 377; 1978, c. 331; 1987, c. 488; 1997, c.57.)