§ 29.1-508.1. Use of drugs on vertebrate wildlife.
A. Without written authorization from the Director or his designee, it isunlawful to administer any drug to any vertebrate wildlife, except inaccordance with a permit issued under the provisions of this title orregulations adopted by the Board. This prohibition shall include, but not belimited to, drugs used for fertility control, disease prevention ortreatment, immobilization, or growth stimulation. Nothing in this sectionshall prohibit the treatment of sick or injured wild animals by licensedveterinarians or permitted wildlife rehabilitators. This section shall notlimit employees of agencies of the Commonwealth, the United States, or localanimal control officers in the performance of their official duties relatedto public health, wildlife management, or wildlife removal. For the purposesof this section, the term "drug" means any chemical substance, other thanfood, that affects the structure or biological function of wildlife species.
B. The Department may take possession and dispose of any vertebrate wildlifeif it believes that drugs have been administered to such wildlife inviolation of this section.
C. Any person violating this section is guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor.
(2004, c. 171.)