§ 29.1-523.1. Hunting deer with sights after dark; forfeiture of weapon andsighting device.
A. Any person who kills or attempts to kill any deer between one hour aftersunset and one hour before sunrise using a firearm equipped with any sightingdevice other than iron or open sights shall be guilty of a Class 2misdemeanor. In addition to this penalty, the court shall revoke the currenthunting license and privileges of the person convicted of violating thissection and prohibit that person from hunting for a period of one to fiveyears. Notification of such revocation or prohibition shall be forwarded tothe Department pursuant to subsections C and D of § 18.2-56.1.
B. Every firearm equipped with any sighting device other than iron or opensights used with the knowledge or consent of the owner in violation of thissection shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth. Upon being condemned asforfeited in proceedings under Chapter 22 (§ 19.2-369 et seq.) of Title 19.2,the proceeds of the sale shall be disposed of according to law.
This section shall not apply to persons duly authorized to kill deeraccording to the provisions of § 29.1-529.
(2001, c. 112; 2010, c. 183.)