§ 29.1-524. Forfeiture of vehicles and weapons used for killing or attempt tokill.
Every vehicle, firearm, crossbow, bow and arrow, or speargun used with theknowledge or consent of the owner or lienholder thereof, in killing orattempting to kill deer between a half hour after sunset and a half hourbefore sunrise in violation of § 29.1-523, and every vehicle used in thetransportation of the carcass, or any part thereof, of a deer so killed shallbe forfeited to the Commonwealth. Upon being condemned as forfeited inproceedings under Chapter 22 (§ 19.2-369 et seq.) of Title 19.2, the proceedsof sale shall be disposed of according to law.
(1962, c. 520, § 29-144.3; 1978, c. 199; 1987, c. 488; 2002, c. 157.)