§ 29.1-527.1. Localities may prohibit feeding of migratory and nonmigratorywaterfowl.
Upon notice to the Department, any locality may prohibit by ordinance thefeeding of migratory and nonmigratory waterfowl in any subdivision or otherarea of such locality which, in the opinion of the governing body, is soheavily populated as to make the feeding of such waterfowl a threat to publichealth or the environment. The terms "migratory" and "nonmigratory"waterfowl shall include those waterfowl defined as such in a listing asprovided by the Department. The Department shall make available to localitiesa model ordinance suggested for use by localities. The locality shall postthe appropriate signage that designates an area where the ordinance isapplicable and shall be solely responsible for enforcement of the ordinance.The penalty for violating such an ordinance shall be a civil fine not toexceed $50.
A locality shall not enact such an ordinance on lands within a national orstate park or forest, or wildlife management area.
(2004, c. 386.)