§ 29.1-528.1. Board to develop model ordinances for hunting with bow andarrow; counties or cities may adopt.
A. The Board shall adopt regulations establishing model ordinances forhunting deer with bow and arrow and crossbows in those counties and citieswhere there is an overabundance of the deer population, which is creatingconflicts between humans and deer, including safety hazards to motorists. Themodel ordinances shall include (i) the times at which such hunting shallcommence and end each day and (ii) the number of deer that can be taken basedon analysis performed by the Department.
B. No such ordinance shall be enforceable unless the governing body notifiesthe Director by registered mail prior to May 1 of the year in which theordinance is to take effect. Any change jurisdictions may seek in the modelordinance shall be approved by the Board prior to its adoption.
C. In adopting an ordinance pursuant to the provisions of this section, thegoverning body of any locality may provide that any person who violates theprovisions of the ordinance shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.
(2010, c. 512.)