§ 29.1-530.3. Remote hunting prohibited; penalty.
A. It is unlawful for any person to engage in computer-assisted remotehunting or provide or operate a facility that allows others to engage incomputer-assisted remote hunting if the wild animal or wild bird being huntedor shot is located in the Commonwealth.
B. Any person who violates this section is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.In addition to the penalty prescribed herein, the court shall revoke allcurrent hunting licenses and privileges of the person convicted of violatingthis section and prohibit that person from hunting for a period of one tofive years. Notification of the revocation or prohibition shall be forwardedto the Department pursuant to subsections C and D of § 18.2-56.1.
C. For the purposes of this section "computer-assisted remote hunting"means the use of a computer or other device, equipment, or software, toremotely control the aiming and discharge of a firearm or other weapon, thatallows a person, not physically present, to hunt or shoot any wild animal orwild bird.
(2005, cc. 172, 226; 2010, c. 183.)