§ 29.1-535. Reciprocal agreement as to fishing in such waters.
The Board shall have the necessary authority to enter into a reciprocalagreement with an adjoining jurisdiction having inland waters lying adjacentto Virginia land or water relating to the following:
1. A sport fishing license acquired in an adjoining jurisdiction shall berecognized when it is used by the person whose name appears on the face ofsuch license, when such licensee is fishing in that portion of inland waterslying in either Virginia or the other jurisdiction or partly in each of thejurisdictions. Such recognition shall be contingent upon a reciprocalrecognition by the adjoining jurisdiction to a licensee of Virginia who isfishing in the same waters.
2. Creel limits, open seasons for fishing and all other laws and regulationsof the jurisdiction entering into the agreement shall be strictly observed,and any person failing to comply with the regulations set up under theagreement shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor and punished accordingly.
(1952, c. 484, § 29-153.2; 1964, c. 74; 1970, c. 194; 1980, c. 28; 1987, c.488; 1991, c. 200.)