§ 29.1-549. Hunting deer from watercraft; confiscation of watercraft andweapons used.
A. Any person who kills or attempts to kill any deer while the person is in aboat or other type watercraft shall be guilty of a Class 4 misdemeanor.
B. Every boat or other watercraft and their motors, and any firearm,crossbow, bow and arrow, or speargun used with the knowledge or consent ofthe owner or lienholder thereof, in killing or attempting to kill deer inviolation of this section, shall be forfeited to the Commonwealth, and uponbeing condemned as forfeited in proceedings under Chapter 22 (§ 19.2-369 etseq.) of Title 19.2 the proceeds of sale shall be disposed of according tolaw.
(1973, c. 120, §§ 29-162.1, 29-162.2; 1987, c. 488; 2002, c. 157.)