§ 29.1-554. Violation of sanctuaries, refuges, preserves and water used forpropagation.
It shall be unlawful for any person, including a property owner, to committhe following acts, the violation of which shall constitute a Class 3misdemeanor:
1. To violate any regulation of the Board concerning refuges, sanctuaries andpublic shooting or fishing preserves in impounded waters or in forest andwatershed areas owned by the United States government;
2. To damage the boundary enclosure of or enter a game refuge owned, leasedor operated by the Board for the purpose of molesting any bird or animal, orpermit his dog or livestock to go thereon;
3. To fish or trespass with intent to fish upon any waters or lands beingutilized for fish propagation, or damage or destroy any pond, pool, flume,dam, pipeline, property or appliance belonging to or being utilized by theBoard; or
4. To interfere with, obstruct, pollute, or diminish the natural flow ofwater into or through a fish hatchery.
(Code 1950, § 29-171; 1987, c. 488.)