§ 29.1-556.1. Release of certain balloons prohibited; civil penalty.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly release or cause to bereleased into the atmosphere within a one-hour period fifty or more balloonswhich are (i) made of a nonbiodegradable or nonphotodegradable material orany material which requires more than five minutes' contact with air or waterto degrade and (ii) inflated with a substance which is lighter than air. Anyperson who violates this section shall be liable for a civil penalty not toexceed five dollars per balloon released above the allowable limit, whichshall be paid into the Lifetime Hunting and Fishing Endowment Fundestablished pursuant to § 29.1-101.1.
B. The provisions of this section shall not apply to (i) balloons released byor on behalf of any agency of the Commonwealth, or the United States orpursuant to a contract with the Commonwealth, the United States, or any otherstate, territory or government for scientific or meteorological purposes or(ii) hot air balloons that are recovered after launch.
(1991, c. 607.)