§ 29.1-600. Licenses for shooting preserves.
A. The Director shall issue licenses for all shooting preserves when suchpreserves meet the requirements established pursuant to regulations.Commercially operated preserves initially licensed on and after July 1, 1994shall meet local zoning and land use requirements. A fee of fifty dollarsshall be collected for each such license issued to any preserve open to thepublic. A fee of fifty cents per acre for the first 300 acres and two dollarsfor each additional acre shall be collected for each license issued for otherpreserves. In no instance shall the license fee for a private preserve beless than fifty dollars. All license fees collected under this section shallbe credited to the game protection fund. All such licenses shall expire onJune 30 of each year.
B. Fees collected from such preserves shall only be used to administer thischapter.
(Code 1950, § 29-38; 1974, c. 102; 1987, c. 488; 1989, c. 424; 1994, c. 753.)