§ 29.1-703. Identification numbers required; decals.
Every motorboat on the waters of this Commonwealth shall be numbered exceptthose specifically exempt in § 29.1-710. No person shall operate or givepermission for the operation of any motorboat on such waters unless themotorboat is numbered in accordance with this chapter, federal law, or afederally approved numbering system of another state, or has been issued atemporary registration certificate pursuant to the provisions of §29.1-703.1. In addition to the numbering requirements, (i) the certificate ofnumber awarded or temporary registration certificate issued to the motorboatmust be in effect, (ii) the identifying number set forth in the certificateof number must be displayed on each side of the bow of the motorboat, and(iii) decals signifying the last month and year during which the certificateof number is valid must be displayed on each side of the motorboat within sixinches of the registration number so as to be visible while the motorboat isbeing operated. Decals will be furnished with each certificate of numberissued or reissued by the Department. Expired decals must be removed from thevessel. Upon written request and for good cause, the Board may allowexceptions to the requirement to display decals. If a decal becomes defaced,lost or destroyed, application for replacement shall be made to the Boardwithin fifteen days. A fee of one dollar shall be charged for each decal orset of decals replaced. Decals must be displayed upon the watercraft forwhich they were purchased and are not transferable.
(1960, c. 500, § 62-174.4; 1962, c. 626; 1968, c. 659, § 62.1-169; 1984, c.3; 1987, c. 488; 1995, c. 241.)