§ 29.1-704. Recording previously awarded numbers.
The owner of any motorboat already covered by a number in effect which hasbeen awarded to it pursuant to then operative federal law or pursuant to afederally approved numbering system of another state shall record the numberprior to operating the motorboat on the waters of this Commonwealth in excessof the ninety-day reciprocity period provided for in § 29.1-710. Suchrecordation shall be in the manner and pursuant to the procedure required forthe award of a number under § 29.1-702, except that no additional orsubstitute number shall be issued.
(1960, c. 500, § 62-174.5; 1962, c. 626; 1964, c. 654; 1968, c. 659, §62.1-170; 1970, c. 240; 1972, c. 412; 1980, c. 256; 1983, c. 126; 1986, c.125; 1987, c. 488.)