§ 29.1-708. Transfer, destruction or abandonment of motorboat.
The owner shall furnish the Department with notice of (i) the transfer of allor any part of his interest other than the creation of a security interest ina motorboat numbered in Virginia pursuant to § 29.1-702 or § 29.1-704 or (ii)the destruction or abandonment of such motorboat, within fifteen daysthereof. Such transfer, destruction, or abandonment shall terminate thecertificate of number for the motorboat except that, in the case of atransfer of a part interest which does not affect the owner's right tooperate such motorboat, the transfer shall not terminate the certificate ofnumber.
(1960, c. 500, § 62-174.5; 1962, c. 626; 1964, c. 654; 1968, c. 659, §62.1-170; 1970, c. 240; 1972, c. 412; 1980, c. 256; 1983, c. 126; 1986, c.125; 1987, c. 488.)