§ 29.1-714. Form and contents of application.
A. Every application for a certificate of title shall be made by the owner orhis duly authorized attorney-in-fact and shall contain the name, residence,social security number or motor vehicle driver's license number, if any, andmailing address of the owner, a statement of the applicant's title and of allliens or encumbrances upon the watercraft in the order of their priority, andthe names and addresses of all persons having any interest in the watercraftand the nature of the interest.
B. Every application for a certificate of title shall contain a briefdescription of the watercraft to be registered, including the name of themanufacturer, state identification number, hull identification number,length, type, and principal material of construction, model year, the date ofpurchase, identification of the motor, including manufacturer's name andserial number, except on motors of twenty-five horsepower or less, and thename and address of the person from whom the watercraft was purchased.
The application shall be on forms prescribed and furnished by the Departmentand shall contain any other information required by the Director.
(1981, c. 405, § 62.1-186.3; 1983, c. 75; 1987, c. 488.)