§ 29.1-717. Certificate of title required; certificate as evidence; duration;transfer of title.
A. Except for amphibious vessels which have a valid title issued by theDepartment of Motor Vehicles, a watercraft owned by a bona fide dealerlicensed as provided in § 58.1-1406, or any watercraft not required to betitled pursuant to § 29.1-716, no person shall operate a watercraft subjectto titling under this chapter unless the owner has applied to the Departmentfor a certificate of title for the watercraft or has been issued a validtemporary registration certificate as provided for in § 29.1-703.1.
B. A certificate of title is prima facie evidence of the ownership of awatercraft. A certificate of title shall be in force for the life of thewatercraft so long as the certificate is owned or held by the legal holder.
C. To sell, assign, or transfer a watercraft title in the Commonwealth, thecertificate of title must be delivered to the purchaser or transferee with anassignment on the certificate showing title in the name of the purchaser ortransferee. To purchase or otherwise acquire a watercraft required to betitled in the Commonwealth, any purchaser or transferee other than a licenseddealer must obtain a certificate of title for it in his name.
(1981, c. 405, § 62.1-186.6; 1987, c. 488; 1995, c. 241; 1997, c. 877.)