§ 29.1-720. Transfer to or from dealer; manufacturer's or importer'scertificate.
A. No dealer shall purchase or acquire a new watercraft without obtainingfrom the seller a manufacturer's or importer's certificate.
B. No manufacturer, importer, dealer, or other person shall sell or otherwisedispose of a new watercraft to a dealer for purposes of display and resalewithout delivering to the dealer a manufacturer's or importer's certificate.
C. The manufacturer's or importer's certificate shall be a uniform orstandardized form prescribed by the Department and shall contain:
1. A description of the watercraft including its trade name, if any, year,series or model, body type, and manufacturer's serial number;
2. Certification of date of transfer of watercraft and name and address oftransferee;
3. Certification that this was the transfer of watercraft in ordinary tradeand commerce; and
4. Signature and address of a representative of the transferor.
D. On the reverse side of each manufacturer's or importer's certificate shallappear an assignment form, including the name and address of the transferee,a certification that the watercraft is new, and a warranty that the title atthe time of delivery is subject only to such liens and encumbrances as setforth and described in full in the assignment.
(1981, c. 405, § 62.1-186.9; 1987, c. 488.)