§ 29.1-739.1. Disregarding signal by law-enforcement officer to stop;attempts to elude; penalty.
A. Any person who, having received a visible or audible signal of a flashinglight or siren from any conservation police officer or other law-enforcementofficer to bring his motorboat or other vessel, or seaplane to a stop, failsto do so promptly shall be guilty of a Class 3 misdemeanor.
B. Any person who, having received a visible or audible signal of a flashinglight or siren from any conservation police officer or other law-enforcementofficer to bring his motorboat or other vessel, or seaplane to a stop, (i)operates or navigates such motorboat or other vessel, or seaplane in willfulor wanton disregard of such signal so as to endanger the life of thelaw-enforcement officer or other persons or to interfere with the operationof a law-enforcement vessel, or (ii) increases his speed and attempts toescape or elude a law-enforcement officer shall be guilty of a Class 1misdemeanor.
(1993, c. 243; 1994, c. 414; 2007, c. 87.)