§ 29.1-744.4. "Pass-through" zones; local ordinances; penalties.
After providing notice to the Department, any locality may, by ordinance,establish "pass-through" zones in any portion of a waterway within itsterritorial limits where congestion of watercraft traffic routinely poses asignificant safety risk to persons in such designated area. The ordinanceshall provide that while in a pass-through zone, operators of watercraftshall maintain a reasonable and safe speed and shall be prohibited fromstopping, anchoring, loitering, or otherwise engaging in recreationalactivity. The locality shall clearly identify pass-through zones by buoys orother markers that conform to the general requirements as established by theBoard for similar buoys or markers. The locality may provide for enforcementand penalties, not to exceed a Class 4 misdemeanor, for the violation of theordinance.
(2003, c. 780.)