§ 29.1-749.3. Personal watercraft instruction; rental agents.
Any person who is in the business of renting personal watercraft to thepublic shall provide to any person who rents a personal watercraftinstruction on the laws of the Commonwealth governing motorboat operation,specific operating requirements of the personal watercraft being rented,motorboat safety equipment requirements, requirements in the case of areportable accident, and such other information as the Director may require.The content and methods of instruction shall be approved by the Director.
Any attorney for the county, city or town in which an alleged violation ofthis section occurred may enforce this section by a civil action to recover acivil penalty not to exceed $250. The civil penalty shall be paid into thelocal treasury. No filing fee or other fee or cost shall be charged to thecounty, city or town which instituted the action.
The fact of a violation of this section shall not constitute negligence perse, be considered in mitigation of damages of whatever nature, be admissiblein evidence or be the subject of comment by counsel in any action for therecovery of damages arising out of the operation, ownership or maintenance ofa personal watercraft. This section shall not change any existing law, ruleor procedure pertaining to any such civil action, nor shall this section barany claim which otherwise exists.
(1998, c. 512.)