§ 29.1-808. Licenses required.
It is unlawful for any person to engage in business in this Commonwealth as anew watercraft dealer, used watercraft dealer, watercraft salesman,watercraft demonstrator, manufacturer, factory branch, distributor,distributor branch, or factory or distributor representative without firstobtaining a license as provided in this chapter. If any watercraft dealeracts as a watercraft salesman, he shall obtain a watercraft salesman'slicense in addition to a watercraft dealer's license. Any watercraft salesmanwho acts as a watercraft demonstrator shall not be required to obtain anadditional license as a watercraft demonstrator. The offering or granting ofa watercraft dealer franchise in this Commonwealth shall be deemed theengaging in business in this Commonwealth for purposes of this section, andno new watercraft may be sold or offered for sale in this Commonwealth unlessthe franchisor of watercraft dealer franchises for that line-make in thisCommonwealth (whether such franchisor be a manufacturer, factory branch,distributor, distributor branch, or otherwise) is licensed under thischapter. In the event a license issued under this chapter to a franchisor ofwatercraft dealer franchises shall be suspended or revoked or shall not berenewed, nothing in this section shall be deemed to prevent the sale of anynew watercraft of such franchisor's line-make, manufactured in or broughtinto this Commonwealth for sale prior to the suspension, revocation orexpiration of the license.
(1988, c. 592; 1998, c. 515.)