§ 29.1-812. Supplemental licenses.
A. Subject to the provisions of § 29.1-808, each place of business, operatedor proposed to be operated by the licensee, that is not contiguous to otherpremises for which a license is issued, shall be required to obtain asupplemental license.
B. A permanent supplemental license shall be required for premises more thantwenty-five yards from a principal place of business.
C. A temporary supplemental license shall be required to display for sale orsell watercraft at a show, and may be issued for a period not to exceedfourteen days. The temporary supplemental license shall be conspicuouslydisplayed at all premises.
D. An application for a permanent or temporary supplemental license shallspecify the location to be occupied by the licensee in conducting suchbusiness.
(1988, c. 592; 1989, c. 206; 1992, c. 26.)