§ 29.1-820. Action upon applications; hearing upon denial; denial for failureto have established place of business.
A. The Director shall act upon all applications for a license within thirtydays after receipt of all required applications, documents and fees by eithergranting or refusing the same. Any applicant denied a license shall, upon hiswritten request filed within thirty days, be given a hearing at such time andplace as determined by the Director or person designated by him. All suchhearings shall be public and shall be held with reasonable promptness. Theapplicant may be represented by counsel.
B. Any applicant denied a license for failure to comply with the definitionof an established place of business may not, nor shall anyone, apply for alicense for such premises, for which a license was denied, until theexpiration of sixty days from the date of the rejection of such application.
(1988, c. 592.)