§ 3.2-1208. Referendum on question of levying apple excise tax.
The Board shall authorize the holding of a referendum as set forth in thisarticle. The Commissioner shall be fully empowered and directed to hold andconduct a referendum on the question of whether or not the producers ofapples in the Commonwealth are willing to pay an excise tax on apples tosupport additional research, education, publicity, and industry developmentof the apple industry. The amount of tax to be voted upon in the referendumshall be 2.5 cents ($0.025) per tree run bushel of apples grown by producersin the Commonwealth. The cost of conducting a referendum under this sectionshall be paid by the Virginia State Horticultural Society.
(2005, cc. 864, 875, § 3.1-636.1; 2008, c. 860.)