§ 3.2-1214. Referenda results; action of Governor.
If the Governor finds any referenda held pursuant to this article in orderand that more than one-half of those voting are in opposition to thecontinuation of the Apple Board, then the Governor shall so proclaim and uponsuch proclamation the Apple Board shall be discontinued. If the Governorfinds that more than one-half of those voting are in favor of thecontinuation of the Apple Board, then the Governor shall not so proclaim andthe Apple Board shall continue.
If the Governor finds that more than one-half of those voting are in favor ofamending the excise tax on apples, then he shall so proclaim and upon suchproclamation the excise tax shall be amended as stated in the referendum. Ifthe Governor finds that more than one-half of those voting are in oppositionto amending the excise tax on apples, then he shall not so proclaim and theexcise tax on apples shall not be amended.
(2005, cc. 864, 875, § 3.1-636.8; 2008, c. 860.)