§ 3.2-1302. Cattle Industry Board membership terms.
A. The terms for appointments to the Cattle Industry Board shall be for fouryears, except appointments to fill vacancies, which shall be for theunexpired terms. No Cattle Industry Board member may serve more than twoconsecutive full terms. Whenever a new appointment is made, the personreceiving the appointment shall be a representative of the same segment ofthe industry as his predecessor and nominated as before.
B. The Governor shall immediately declare the office of any member of theCattle Industry Board vacant when he finds that the member no longer isactively engaged in the type of beef or dairy production or business he wasengaged in at the time of his appointment; is no longer a resident of theCommonwealth; or is unable to perform the duties of his office.
(1970, c. 310, § 3.1-796.22; 2008, c. 860.)