§ 3.2-1507. Questions to be printed on ballots.
A. The question to be printed on the ballots used in a referendum authorizedin § 3.2-1505 on the continuation of the Cotton Board shall be:
Do you favor the continuation of the Cotton Board for the purpose ofresearch, education, and promotion of the growth and use of cotton?
B. The question to be printed on the ballots used in a referendum authorizedin § 3.2-1505 on allowing the Cotton Board to increase the assessment oncotton by a maximum of $0.15 per bale of cotton shall be:
Do you favor authorizing the Cotton Board to increase the assessment oncotton by a maximum of $0.15 per bale of cotton ginned in the Commonwealth tosupport research, education, and promotion of the growth and use of cotton?
(1997, c. 873, § 3.1-1091; 2005, c. 326; 2008, c. 860.)