§ 3.2-1508. Persons eligible to vote.
Any person in the Commonwealth who produced at least one bale of cotton inthe Commonwealth in the fiscal year preceding any referendum held pursuant tothis chapter shall be eligible to vote in such referendum, provided that heso certifies on forms prepared by the Commissioner. Completed certificationforms shall include the following information: (i) the full name, address,and, if applicable, title of producer if a partner or corporate officer; (ii)the name and locality of each handler of that producer's cotton in the fiscalyear preceding the referendum; and (iii) any other information deemednecessary by the Commissioner to carry out the Commissioner's duties underthis section. Any person who meets the requirements of this section shall beeligible to vote in the referendum, but no person shall be required to be aqualified voter in other respects. Such person may vote provided that theyare a resident of the Commonwealth or qualified to do business in theCommonwealth. Any person who is not an individual shall vote by itsauthorized representative. Only one person per farming unit shall be eligibleto vote in any referendum.
(1997, c. 873, § 3.1-1086; 2008, c. 860.)