§ 3.2-1509. Referenda results; action of Governor.
If the Governor finds any separate referendum held pursuant to this chapterin order, that at least 50 percent of those who have met the requirements of§ 3.2-1508 have voted, and that a majority of those voting are in oppositionto the continuation of the Cotton Board or in opposition to allowing theCotton Board to increase the assessment on cotton, then the Governor shall soproclaim and upon such proclamation either the Cotton Board will bediscontinued or the assessment on cotton will not be increased. If theGovernor finds that one-half or more of those voting are in favor of thecontinuation of the Cotton Board or are in favor of allowing the Cotton Boardto increase the assessment on cotton, then the Governor shall so proclaim,and either the Cotton Board shall continue or the Cotton Board shall beauthorized to increase the assessment on cotton by a maximum of $0.15 perbale. The cost of conducting a referendum under this section shall be fromfunds paid into the Virginia Cotton Fund as established in § 3.2-1511.
(1997, c. 873, § 3.1-1090; 2005, c. 326; 2008, c. 860.)