§ 3.2-1512. Collection and disposition of assessment by handler; reports.
A. Every handler shall collect an assessment of 85 cents ($0.85) per balefrom the owner of all cotton that the handler gins for any owner and shallremit such assessment to the Tax Commissioner on or before the last day ofthe month following the end of each calendar quarter. Such assessment shallbe in addition to any moneys collected by the handler as authorized by theCotton Research and Promotion Act (7 U.S.C. §§ 2101-2118). The TaxCommissioner shall promptly pay the assessments into the state treasury tothe credit of the Virginia Cotton Fund.
B. Every handler shall complete reports on forms furnished by the TaxCommissioner, submit such reports to the Tax Commissioner along with theassessments submitted pursuant to subsection A, and keep copies of thereports for a period of not less than three years from the time the reportwas produced. Each report shall consist of information for the calendarquarter preceding the month such report is due and shall include thefollowing: (i) the number of bales that the handler has ginned; (ii) thedollar amount of assessments collected by the handler; (iii) a list of thosefrom whom an assessment has been collected for cotton ginned by the handler;(iv) the dollar amounts of all assessments collected from each owner ofcotton ginned by the handler; and (v) any other information deemed necessaryby the Tax Commissioner to carry out his duties under this chapter.Notwithstanding the provisions of § 58.1-3, upon request, the TaxCommissioner shall provide to the Cotton Board or the Commissioner copies ofreports submitted pursuant to this section.
C. Any assessment that is not paid when due shall be collected pursuant to §3.2-1102.
(1997, c. 873, § 3.1-1098; 1999, c. 751; 2008, c. 860.)