§ 3.2-1804. Powers and duties of the Potato Board.
A. The Potato Board shall have charge of the management and expenditures ofthe Virginia Potato Fund established in the state treasury.
B. The Potato Board may expend funds to provide for programs of research,education, publicity, advertising, and other promotion; manage the fund so asto accumulate a reserve for contingencies; establish an office and employsuch technical and professional assistants as may be required; contract forresearch, publicity, advertising and other promotional services; and take allactions as will assist in strengthening and promoting the best interest ofproducers of potatoes.
C. In carrying out the purposes of this chapter, the Potato Board maycooperate with other state, regional, and national agricultural organizationsin research, education, publicity, advertising, and other promotionalactivities.
D. The Potato Board may establish an executive committee and charge it withthose powers, duties, and functions as the Potato Board deems proper.
E. The chairman of the Potato Board shall make an annual report to the PotatoBoard including a statement of the total receipts and disbursements for theyear and shall file a copy of the report and the audit required by § 3.2-1810with the Commissioner.
(1982, c. 126, §§ 3.1-684.32, 3.1-684.36; 1985, c. 448; 2008, c. 860.)