§ 3.2-2004. Powers and duties of Pork Industry Board.
A. The Pork Industry Board shall administer all funds collected under thischapter.
B. The Pork Industry Board shall plan and conduct programs for education andresearch relating to the Virginia pork industry, with primary emphasis onprograms designed to increase the efficient production of slaughter hogs andfeeder pigs in the Commonwealth.
C. The Pork Industry Board may make contracts, expend moneys from theVirginia Pork Industry Fund, and do whatever else may be necessary toeffectuate the purposes of this chapter.
D. The Pork Industry Board may cooperate with other state, regional, andnational organizations in research, education, and other means for promotingthe Virginia pork industry and may expend moneys of the Virginia PorkIndustry Fund for such purpose.
E. The Pork Industry Board may appoint a secretary and such other employeesas may be necessary at salaries to be fixed by the Pork Industry Boardsubject to the provisions of the Virginia Personnel Act (§ 2.2-2900 et seq.).All employees of the Pork Industry Board handling money shall be required tofurnish surety bonds in an amount to be fixed by the Pork Industry Board.
F. The chairman shall make a report at the annual meeting of the PorkIndustry Board and furnish the members of the Pork Industry Board with astatement of the total receipts and disbursements for the year. The chairmanshall also file a copy of such report and the audit required by § 3.2-2005with the Commissioner annually.
(Code 1950, §§ 3-598.13, 3-598.14; 1966, c. 658, §§ 3.1-763.7, 3.1-763.8;1978, c. 540; 1979, c. 72; 1985, c. 448; 2008, c. 860.)