§ 3.2-2201. Small Grains Board; composition and appointment of members.
The Small Grains Board, established by the passage of a referendum heldpursuant to Chapter 587 of the 1991 Acts of Assembly, is continued within theDepartment. The Small Grains Board shall be composed of 11 members appointedby the Governor from nominations by the Virginia Grain Producers Associationor other organizations representing small grain producers, the appointmentsto be subject to confirmation by the General Assembly. The Virginia GrainProducers Association shall nominate at least two producers from eachproduction area of small grains. The Governor shall appoint at least oneproducer from each production area and the membership of the Small GrainsBoard shall be composed of a majority of producers. The Governor shallappoint one member, if available, from each of the following classifications:seedsman, processor, country buyer, and exporter.
(1991, c. 587, § 3.1-684.52; 2008, c. 860.)