§ 3.2-2305. Referenda.
Every five years from the date of the imposition of the tax assessment onsoybeans, another referendum shall be held to determine whether theassessment for research, education, publicity, and promotion of the sale anduse of soybeans shall be continued. The Board, upon petition by a group ofsoybean producers representing at least 33 percent of the Commonwealth'sproduction, as determined by the Commissioner, may provide for an advisoryreferendum on the continuation of the assessment. Upon finding thatsufficient interest exists among the producers of soybeans in theCommonwealth to justify a referendum, the Board shall authorize the holdingof a referendum. The cost of conducting any such referendum as aboveprescribed shall come from funds paid into the Virginia Soybean Fund. TheBoard shall adopt regulations governing the conduct of referenda pursuant to§ 3.2-112.
(1970, c. 431, § 3.1-684.11; 2008, c. 860.)