§ 3.2-2704. Powers and duties of the Marine Products Board.
A. The Marine Products Board shall: (i) plan and conduct marketing,educational, and promotional campaigns and programs for Virginia marineproducts; (ii) carry on research and testing programs; and (iii) conductactivities relating to the catching, processing, conservation, and marketingof Virginia marine products.
B. The Marine Products Board may investigate, study, and formulaterecommendations regarding regulation, conservation, and management of marineresources of the Commonwealth.
C. The Marine Products Board may make contracts and expend money from theVirginia Marine Products Fund necessary to carry out the purposes of thischapter. The contracts, debts, and liabilities of the Marine Products Boardshall not be an obligation of the Commonwealth, but shall be met utilizingthe sums paid into the Virginia Marine Products Fund.
D. The Marine Products Board may cooperate with other state, regional, andnational seafood organizations in research, advertising, publicity,education, and other means of promoting the sale and use of seafood, and mayexpend moneys of the Virginia Marine Products Fund for such purposes.
(1979, c. 274, §§ 28.1-234 to 28.1-236; 1992, c. 836, §§ 3.1-684.61,3.1-684.62, 3.1-684.64; 2008, c. 860.)