§ 3.2-2807. Administration of fund.
The Plant Pollination Advisory Board shall meet at least once each calendaryear to:
1. Consider proposals from applicants for funds, and advise the Commissioneron disbursements, unless the chairman determines from a quorum that there isinsufficient justification for such meeting. Recommendations of the PlantPollination Advisory Board on applications for funds shall be by recordedvote.
2. Receive reports required by the Plant Pollination Advisory Board onactivities funded by the Commissioner. The secretary-treasurer of the PlantPollination Advisory Board shall present an annual report to the members andto the Board, including an accurate account of all receipts and disbursementsfrom the fund.
(1977, c. 452, § 3.1-610.28; 1978, c. 267; 2008, c. 860.)