§ 3.2-3201. Milk Commission; composition and appointment of members.
The Milk Commission is continued within the Department and shall reportdirectly to the Commissioner. The Commission shall consist of anAdministrator and seven members, all of whom shall be residents of theCommonwealth, appointed by the Governor, two of whom shall be producers, andfive including the Administrator shall be consumers but none of such fivelatter members shall have any connection financially or otherwise with theproduction or distribution of milk or products derived therefrom. Theremaining member of the Commission shall be a milk processor-distributor. TheAdministrator shall serve in an ex officio capacity without a vote. Anyvacancies occurring shall be filled by appointment by the Governor. Onemember of the Commission shall act as chairman, who shall be elected annuallyby the membership of the Commission. No member shall serve as chairman and asAdministrator and no chairman shall serve successive terms as chairman.
The Administrator shall devote full time to the duties of his office, whichshall be located in the principal office of the Commission. The technical andother services for such Commission shall be performed, so far as practicable,by the Department, the Virginia Cooperative Extension Service, and theVirginia Agricultural Research and Experiment Station, without additionalcompensation. The Administrator may appoint a secretary and any suchadditional technical and other assistants and employees as may be necessaryto carry out the provisions of this chapter, and prescribe their powers andduties. The Administrator shall supervise such personnel and shall prepare,approve, and submit all requests for appropriations and be responsible forall expenditures pursuant to appropriations.
(Code 1950, § 3-347; 1958, c. 110; 1966, cc. 526, 702, § 3.1-426; 1974, c.467; 1984, c. 444; 1985, c. 397; 2004, c. 57; 2008, c. 860.)