§ 3.2-3208. Establishing prices generally.
The Commission, after a public hearing and investigation, may establish theprices to be paid producers or associations of producers by distributors inany market, may fix the minimum and maximum wholesale and maximum retailprices to be charged for milk in any market, and may also establish differentprices for different grades or classes of milk. The Commission may setdifferent maximum retail prices for the same grade or class of milk on thebasis of different methods of distribution. In determining the reasonablenessof prices to be paid or charged in any market for any grade, quantity, orclass of milk, the Commission shall be guided by all pertinent economicfactors relevant to production, processing, and distribution of milk as theyaffect the public interest in maintaining an adequate supply of milk withinthe Commonwealth, including compliance with all sanitary regulations in forcein such market, necessary operation, processing, storage, and deliverycharges, the prices of other foods, and the welfare of the general public.The Commission may adopt a formula incorporating these economic factors thatwill adjust automatically the prices to be paid producers or associations ofproducers by distributors in any market, and then provide for the automaticadjustment of resale prices according to the result obtained by the use ofthis formula. Public hearings shall not be required for price adjustmentsobtained by use of a formula, but shall be held for adoption or amendment ofthe formula itself.
(Code 1950, § 3-359; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-437; 1974, c. 467; 2008, c. 860.)