§ 3.2-3219. Annual budget; assessment of distributors and producers; bondrequirements.
The Commission shall prepare an annual budget and shall collect the sums ofmoney required for this budget from the licensed distributors in marketswhere the provisions of this chapter are in operation. The expenses of theCommission, including salaries and the per diem of such personnel as theCommission finds it necessary to employ to properly carry out its functionsunder this chapter shall be met by an assessment of not over five cents($0.05) per 100 pounds of milk, and cream (converted to terms of milk)handled by distributors and not over five cents ($0.05) per 100 pounds ofmilk, and cream (converted to terms of milk) sold by producers; theseassessments to be the same per 100 pounds on producers and distributors. Theexact amount of each monthly or semimonthly assessment shall be determined bythe Commission as necessary to cover its expenses. All assessments shall bepaid at the time the distributors pay the producers for the milk. Allofficers and employees of the Commission, who handle funds of the Commissionor who sign or countersign checks upon such funds, shall severally give bondin such amount and with such sureties as shall be determined by theCommission. The cost of the bonds shall be paid by the Commission and theCommission shall determine the amount and sufficiency of the bonds.
(Code 1950, § 3-373; 1958, c. 110; 1966, c. 702, § 3.1-452; 1974, c. 467;1986, c. 408; 2008, c. 860.)